Before knitting a product, it is necessary to read very attentively description of an order of knitting of this product, having paid attention to quantity of details and their kind. According to it, changes are made to the drawing. It is necessary to remember that all drawings are given in половинном the size. For reception of a full pattern the big sheet of paper undertakes, the vertical line is foreseen and on one party from it is put a base curve, the middle is combined. The sheet is folded in the area of the middle double and cut off on a drawing contour.

    Definition of quantity of the loops necessary for reception of initial width of a detail will be the second step. For this purpose we knit the control sample 10×10 sm those spokes with which you plan to knit the chosen product. Don't forget that it is necessary to type on 4 loops more than it is necessary, as on кромочным to loops it is impossible to measure the sizes of the sample precisely. Proceeding from the received sample, we calculate quantity of loops for our model.

    The majority of models are carried out from below upwards. The first knit a back. From an armhole a back (before) have the difficult form, at вывязывании which to a thicket are verified with a pattern. For вывязывания gate close in the same row some loops in the middle and then each part knit separately, using two balls of threads. Loops for a shoulder divide into some parts and close them in the beginning of an obverse number. For переда the one half description is given, the second matches in mirror display. And registration of an armhole, a shoulder and a collar occurs on the other hand: in the right shelf of a loop for an armhole and a shoulder are closed in the beginning изнаночного a number, for a collar – in the beginning obverse; in the left shelf – for an armhole and a shoulder loops in the number beginning, and for a collar – in the beginning изнаночного are closed. The sleeve matches from a cuff on a straight line. From a cuff sleeve expansion begins, adding loops along the edges. To the widest place of a sleeve the number of loops becomes more twice. Knitting окат sleeves, are verified as it is possible is more often with a pattern. Sleeves "raglan" and "epaulet" come to the end with dredging for a collar which in the right sleeve is made out in the beginning of an obverse number, in left – in the beginning изнаночного.






    The product will faultlessly look when all its details before assemblage have been correctly processed by the iron or steam. Each detail process separately. For this purpose it is necessary to wet accurately details, to wring out through a towel, to lay on terry catch a cold, to straighten and dry up in the straightened kind. Remember that damp details are capable to change color and the form. Therefore be verified with the sizes of a pattern. Considering this feature, it is possible to knit details of the smaller size. If you have recovered in weight having wetted a thing and having stretched hands, you will increase it for some sizes. Other way of damp-thermal processing is отпаривание product details through a damp gauze the iron. The steamed details should rest in bed on patterns. Ideal time for products from a wool yarn – 48 hours, for half-woolen details – 24 hours, for cotton or linen – 12 hours. The knitted cloth can't be ironed dry. The products connected by openwork patterns don't steam, differently the pattern becomes flat.






    Products from a wool yarn are erased in warm water with addition of a soft washing-up liquid or special shampoo. Products don't presoak, erase in a water considerable quantity, don't rub, don't unscrew, carefully rinse, wring out through a towel. Is better to dry in the spread out kind on a towel, avoiding influence of strong heat and hit of direct sun rays. It is necessary to iron through a damp fabric.

    Products from a white yarn should be presoaked preliminary at 2-3 o'clock in the softened water and after that to erase.

    If the wool yarn fades, is advised in a basin for washing to add a salt small amount.

    Cotton products can be erased in the washing machine. It is desirable to dry on a flat surface in the spread out kind, having enclosed a thick terry towel. The clap slowly dries up. To iron products it is recommended the iron with a humidifier.

   Viscose fibres have a feature – in a wet condition of a product from viscose don't hold the form, become fragile and are easily damaged. Therefore products should be erased accurately at temperature of 30-40 degrees with use of soft, sparing washing-up liquids, don't rub, don't unscrew and don't squeeze out. Dry spread out on a flat surface. It is possible to iron the iron with a humidifier, but it is obligatory on seamy side as under the influence of hot heat viscose fibres can change the color.

    Products from a linen yarn can be erased in the washing machine, to wring out, dry in the suspended kind. Thermal processing is better to make very hot iron about steam.

    Products from silk are recommended to be erased manually, in warm water, not to rub, not to unscrew, not to wring out. Them is better to blot a terry towel and to dry in the spread out kind on an equal surface. It is recommended to iron from seamy side and necessarily dry iron without a humidifier as from steam there can be stains.










Winter. All over the world, and in Russia – especially, it always «a frost and the sun – day wonderful!», the present Russian contrast corresponding to Russian soul – novel and mysterious.

If in the summer we try to facilitate some our diet, having added in it fruit, vegetables, a berry, and instead of butter we use sunflower in the winter all changes. We will softly tell, fat in this is frosty-solar season doesn't happen much. Heat our organism develops much more, forces for movement and ability to live is spent also much more, therefore and "fuel" it is necessary for our organism accordingly more. And fat – the best biofuel.

But we will return to our rams as the known filmstar used to say.


So, here recipes of the present winter dishes.






Mutton on-sibirski with vegetables.


It is required to us: the mutton shovel, is a little (a table spoon) the fat, three average sizes морковины, 2 – 3 bulbs, third of head of cabbage, 3 – 4 tomatoes or 2/3 glass of tomato-paste, a table spoon of a flour, salt, red pepper and a bay leaf there is more than parsley, a celery, a leek, and also to taste.

We separate meat from the mutton shovel, we cut its small slices and it is spread on a frying pan with preliminary warmed up fat. A bone it is not thrown out – it still is useful to us for soup. Meat we fall asleep a flour, обкладываем by the slices of red pepper cut in a salad way and it is slightly roasted in a current of seven – ten minutes. Then we add cut a bulb and a leek and still pair of minutes it is roasted on moderate fire. We fill in all it is to steam glasses of hot water, then we cover a frying pan and we start to extinguish on slow fire during a half an hour. Then we add all other vegetables, except a tomato, preliminary having cut them, and we continue to extinguish. It is possible to add a little more torments if to you will seem that a dish too liquid.

Approximately in minutes fifteen it is added also tomatoes with a bay leaf (if you have chosen a variant with tomato-paste she should be added right at the end) and we extinguish some more minutes on the same slow fire.

This amazing dish from mutton with vegetables can be submitted with zrazas, or, is better – with a potato. Eat on health!






Mutton with plum


It is required to us: nearby 800 – 900 gram of mutton, garlic, salt, 2 bulbs, half of tea spoon of red pepper, is a little cinnamon, a table spoon of a flour and as much – fat, a half-glass сушенных plums.


The meat separated from bones to cut small slices, to strew lightly with a flour, to salt and fry on slow fire on fat ten - twelve minutes to (redden). To add garlic and red pepper, to add a glass of hot water and to extinguish on average fire to semireadiness. Then to add dried plums and to extinguish almost to readiness. In the end of cooking to add cinnamon and to extinguish two – three minutes to full readiness.

To submit this remarkable fragrant dish it is possible with a garnish from rice (or pearl-barley) friable groats, to a potato or a vegetable dish. Bon appetit!






Mutton with vegetables on-krasnodarski


It is required to us: the mutton half a kilogram, a table spoon of fat, 2 tomatoes, a spoon мужки, one bulb, greens – parsley, a celery, a leek, the one fourth part of an average head of cabbage, red pepper, is a little (pinch) of seeds of caraway seeds, salt to taste.


Mutton to cut small slices, to lay out on a frying pan, a few to salt and a little to roast to (redden). To add a glass of hot water, to add seeds of caraway seeds and to put to extinguish on slow fire to semireadiness. Then to add other vegetables (except a tomato) and to extinguish still some time. In the end of cooking to add slices a tomato and to extinguish some minutes to readiness.

This fine dish can be submitted with a potato or fig.





Mutton with cabbage.


It is required to us: a mutton half a kilogram (it is desirable – грудинку), on a table spoon of a flour and fat, cabbage leaves (9 – 11), some berries of a juniper (dry), fragrant pepper – peas, 4 tomatoes, one bulb, a celery, parsley, fennel and any other greens which are available available, a vegetable broth, salt to taste.


Mutton грудинку at first it is processed, mine and we dry, we undress – it is cut half-and-half and cut on edges. We cook it in water with addition of pepper, a juniper, a little a vegetable broth. Simultaneously we steam out cabbage leaves as on a stuffed cabbage, we release from thick veins. Upon termination of cooking we release edges from veins and cartilages, we cool. Slices mutton грудинки to wrap in cabbage leaves and to lay out in a pan, to add small cut vegetables (except a tomato) to add a vegetable broth and to weary practically to readiness. In the end to add small cut tomatoes, a bay leaf and to extinguish some more minutes to full readiness.

Sauce to season with a flour or pouring from a flour and fat.

To submit with a potato or rice friable groats.

Fine dish – fingers you will lick! Bon appetit!


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