Manual knitting is the very ancient applied art which origin is lost in depths of history. Knitting can be very difficult or absolutely simple. It gives almost boundless open space for invention: from ancient mesh shawls which were so are thin that passed through a wedding ring, to thick sweaters and scarfs which so are pleasant to modern fans of "rural" style.

      Choosing threads of various quality, a thickness, color, using spokes of the different sizes, you can connect a large quantity of various products. To connect on spokes an attractive thing for itself or to somebody in a gift, aren't necessary neither special talents, nor expensive yarn. The product will bring pleasure to you and your relatives and will manage much more cheaply the purchased. To learn to knit absolutely simply. It is necessary to learn only receptions of knitting of several basic loops and their derivatives which various combinations underlie various drawings. Knitting on spokes gives full freedom in creation of a product of the necessary size, style, color and a thickness. Even if you never took earlier in spoke hands, having connected a product, you will understand that it is not too difficult to develop the abilities in this art.






      Manual knitting is popular all over the world. Many women name its hobby and devote it the leisure most part. There is nothing surprising that it has got and into "a high" fashion: the jersey is a basis of the best collections of known Couturiers.

     Strangely enough, knitting was thought up by men. We will plunge into history.

     Already more 2 thousand years ago Arabs were able to carry out difficult patterns and owned secrets of manual knitting. They дальне all have promoted in this art.

     Spaniards and Italians also were able to knit. In XII century in the European countries this kind of needlework was well-known, but skillful masters was so a little that the things made by them, had possibility to carry only members of royal family and representatives of secular and church aristocracy. Nevertheless gradually вязанные socks, stockings, gloves, jackets and openwork laces were widely adopted.

     In XVI century knitting on spokes practised Europe everywhere, but still was considered as man's employment, therefore masters didn't train in it women. The situation has changed, when spokes and a yarn have fallen into in female hands. It became clear that any man can't be compared in this business to women whom all qualities necessary for knitting – keenness, grace, an ingenuity – are peculiar by nature. Now the man, able to knit on spokes, - the big rarity. Women have reached in this business enough the big successes.

     From time to time in Switzerland competition on which women from the different countries of the world show the skill is held. Most skillful of them receives a title «Queen of knitting». At this competition spectators become witnesses of original records. For example, once the winner of this competition has managed to connect a sweater for 71 minute.

     Knitting by a hook also is known from time immemorial. In olden time such kind of needlework named vestibule work. It is known that in the ancient time at the people of Northern Europe the hook for knitting was a necessary subject in a dowry of each girl along with needles and a spindle as art of possession of it allowed to provide with seven practical, warm both beautiful subjects of use and clothes. Women knew this art and east-sla-vjanskie. The secret of its popularity is in many respects connected by what to learn knit competently and beautifully a hook who doesn't have any experience in needlework can even.





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